
Showing posts from March, 2021

What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

 The students have been learning about Community Helper Jobs and starting to think about what they want to be when they grow up.  Each child created a book of different community helper jobs and the tools that community helper would use.  Each child also got to create a video showcasing their learning about the job they want to have when they grow up.  Here is the first page of their books, which shows the job they wanted before learning about different jobs:

Puffy Paint Snowmen

 Yesterday the students got to use a mixture of white glue and shaving cream to create Puffy Paint Snowmen.  The students had never worked with this mixture before and were surprised to see how "thick" and "goopy" it was.  They were all very proud of their 3D snowmen!

Snowmen at Night

 Kindergarten students have been exploring story using the "Snowmen at Night" series by Caralyn Buehner.  They were challenged to create a picture using different materials and use it to tell an imaginative story about their snowman.  They each had 2 attempts at telling their story.  The first attempt was their first try at telling the story of their picture.  Then they received feedback from the teacher about how to make their story include a beginning, middle, end, and extra details.  They tried telling their story again and all of them achieved their goals by creating a full, short story about what their snowman does at night.  Check out the pictures and stories below: