Abstract Art
How does this artwork make you feel? What does this artwork remind you of or make you think about?
This week in Kindergarten we have been learning about different ways to paint art. We read stories about art including "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds, "Ish" by Peter H. Reynolds, "Sky Color" by Peter H. Reynolds, and "Swatch The Girl Who Loved Colors" by Julia Denos. Through these stories we learned that anyone can be an artist - all you have to do is try. We also learned about abstract art and that the same abstract art piece might make people feel different emotions. We created our own abstract art and let our watercolour paints run 'wild,' just like the girl named Swatch from the story we read. The students were very creative in drawing their shapes to create their abstract artwork and they all see themselves as artists through our art experiences. Here are the students abstract art pieces:
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