"Ish" Drawings
We read the story, "Ish" by Peter H. Reynolds. Through the story the students learned that drawings don't have to be perfect the first time we try to draw something - we are in Kindergarten, we are just learning, and we need practice to get better at drawing. We can create drawings that look close or similar to what we are thinking. We call these "ish" drawings. The students were challenged to draw something they have never drawn before. They were reminded to use their knowledge of shapes and put shapes together to make a whole image. After they drew their picture on their whiteboards the students were supported by the teacher to sound out and print the word of the picture they drew. Ask your child: Can you tell me about the book "Ish" that you read in school? What happened in the book "ish" that you read at school? Tell me about your "ish" drawing. Give your child feedback on their drawing: "I like how you..." and "Next time you might try.... to make it even better." Practice drawing other "ish" drawings and print the word with your child.
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