Peace, Love and Friendship

 The Kindergarten students have been learning about Peace, Love and Friendship.  They had the opportunity to paint hearts and were asked to use 3 different colours, to stay inside the lines and paint all of the white spaces.  After they finished their paintings, they each had the opportunity to work with the teacher to write about their painting.  They copied the words "I love," and were supported to sound out the word(s) of what they love.  In Kindergarten we try to stretch out words so that we can hear each individual sound and connect it to the corresponding letter.  Even though some of the words are spelled incorrectly, in Kindergarten this is how we start learning to write.  Encourage your child to write letters and put them together to spell words - this is what we call pre-writing skills.  Praise your child for attempting to write letters even if they do not correspond to the letter sounds or words they are writing.  We want our Kindergarten students to feel comfortable taking risks in their writing and get as much practice as they can printing letters.  Below are the masterpieces that the students made:


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